About Julie

My online journey began about 4 years ago when I was working in a very demanding senior executive role in the corporate world. The hours were long, demands were high and, whilst the money was good, I was exhausted and disillusioned.

An opportunity presented itself to me through a one day personal improvement seminar – make money online. To be honest I was hooked immediately. The opportunity to make money on my terms and be able to create the lifestyle I wanted was VERY appealing. So I signed up!

That was the first of a few courses that I signed up to. I learnt a lot from each course that I did – but at times it was frustrating. It took me quite some time before I made any money at all and it didn’t do anything to help me to quit the rat-race and recreate my life.

But several years later I got there! In part due to the support of other people online that were on the same journey as myself. And it can be hard to find that support.

So now I share my knowledge, time and experience to help others achieve the same dream. I want you to have the success that you deserve! And I am here to help you.

Here’s to your online success….!





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